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Dr Alice Meissner FHKIArb, phD in law (University of Vienna)

Job title: Partner
Country: Austria

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

Alice Meissner is a double qualified attorney-at-law and founding partner at the Austrian law firm MP Attorneys based in Vienna. Ms. Meissner is admitted with the Vienna as well as the Munich Bar Association. She holds a doctoral degree in law from the University of Vienna as well as a graduate degree in law from the University of Hamburg. Alice has an established track record acting as counsel in arbitration proceedings under the ICC Arbitration Rules, VIAC Rules of Arbitration and Mediation 2021 and CIETAC Arbitration Rules. She is a well-experienced counsel for commercial arbitration involving technical details in the energy and automotive industry. Alice also acts as independent arbitrator and is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb). Most recently Alice has been appointed as sole arbitrator in an ICC arbitration proceeding in the banking and finance industry. Further, Alice has substantial experience with the enforcement of foreign awards in PR China. She also advised CIETAC with their establishment of the CIETAC European Arbitration Centre in Vienna in 2018 and has been appointed as Chair of the European Chinese Arbitrators Association (established in 2020).