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Mrs Karina Albers FCIArb

Job title: Arbitrator & Mediator
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London
Secondary branches: London
Disciplines: Mediation, Arbitration

Personal bio

Karina Albers FCIArb is a full-time international commercial arbitrator and mediator based in the United Kingdom. She possesses both British and German Citizenship. Her profession as arbitrator and mediator has been built from her experience in derivative trading, the maritime industry and commodity trade. Her career hitherto as derivative trader, chartering manager, broker, agent, expert and consultant enables her to service an ever-increasing complex and diverse world of disputes. She has received over 80 appointments so far, participated in hearings with claims of over USD 5 billion and has published 20 awards with claims amounting up to USD 15 million under LMAA, LCIA, SIAC and GMAA rules. The type of disputes she covers involve any commercial dispute and in particular energy and commodity disputes, derivative and hedging/banking disputes, shipping/maritime and insurance claims, bunker claims, freight and cargo claims both for dry and wet claims. Karina has acted as sole arbitrator, sole arbitrator by default and as chair and as part of a tribunal of three. She passes on her passion for arbitration by volunteering regularly for Vis-Moot and IMLAM as well as mentoring a number of young legal professionals. Fellow of theChartered Institute of Arbitrators Chair of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London Branch Vice Chair of the Energy Arbitration Club Founding Board Member of Cyberarb Aspiring Full Member of the London Maritime Arbitration Association (LMAA) Panel member of the Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators Member of the International Chamber of Commerce Member of the German Maritime Arbitration Association Member of the Baltic Exchange since 1993 Member of the Moot Alumni Association (MAA) !NGO representative at the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) An accredited Expert at the Federal Court of New York and acted as expert in leading cases in London, New York and Singapore