Personal bio

Mrs Cirlig is an attorney-at-law, with over 11 years’ experience, specialized in international arbitration, as well as domestic arbitration and litigation, with a focus on FIDIC contracts, EFET contracts, software and technology related contracts, joint ventures agreements. She is notable for her expertise in private international law (conflict of laws) and EU law, and has developed particular knowledge in business and human rights matters. Furthermore, she provides legal assistance in arbitration related litigation, including recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, annulment proceedings, as well as provisional and interim measures in support of arbitration. She is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2013.

Mrs Cirlig often acts as a tribunal secretary to international arbitral tribunals. In this role Mrs Cirlig deals with the procedural aspects of arbitral disputes, including compliance with international and EU data protection and privacy regulations.

Prior to joining the Bucharest Bar, she gained valuable experience in human rights law while working for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and interning with the United Nations Information Center.

Mrs Cirlig obtained her Ph.D at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest focusing her research on conflict of laws in international arbitration. She holds a BA in Law from the University Nicolae Titulescu in Bucharest, and a LLM in International and European Law – Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, graduated magna cum laude. She also holds a BA in PR and Communication Sciences from the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest.