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Kartik Gupta FCA, L.LB, CFE, CVA, MCSI, Q.Arb, MCIArb

Job title: Managing Director & CEO
Country: Canada

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Canada

Personal bio

Kartik is a financial expert with over 18 years of transnational experience, having worked in Asia, Europe and the Americas. As a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), an internationally trained Lawyer and a Chartered Accountant (Fellow), Kartik has deep understanding of business operations, regulatory requirements, and the applicable legislative framework during a business’ life cycle. Kartik is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investments (CISI). Passionate about ADR; Kartik has worked and assisted as an expert (finance) on numerous international commercial arbitration matters, the seats of some which include SIAC, HKIAC, ICC and the LCIA. He also has significant experience in providing strategic advice (including conducting subject matter workshops and training) to legal counsels and CxOs in matters relating to disputes advisory, fraud and international regulatory compliance. Kartik is a member of ADR Institute of Canada (Ontario) and CIArb. Kartik has worked on various engagements involving quantification of damages and economic loss claims in commercial disputes, international arbitration matters, shareholders’ disputes, expropriation claims and matrimonial disputes. In addition, he has also conducted several transnational investigations, across numerous international jurisdictions such as SE Asia, Africa, Americas and the Caribbean.