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Dr Abdullah Alajlan

Job title: Head of Disputes Resolution
Country: Saudi Arabia

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Saudi Arabia

Personal bio

Dr. Abdullah is a Counsel and heads the Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice at AS&H. He has represented many clients before many judicial authorities and at all levels of courts, in particular commercial and public courts, banking committees, and the Financial Market Committee. Dr. Abdullah is a former judge in the Ministry of Justice for (11) years, during which he considered many disputes and real estate issues, as well as arguments for settlement, the division of inheritances and heirs’ disputes, and disputes related to endowments, in addition to commercial cases, and contracting issues. Dr. Abdullah is a licensed lawyer, licensed bankruptcy trustee, a member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration, a member of the British Royal Society of Arbitrators (CIARb), member of the list of arbitrators at the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration and a president and member of a number of arbitral tribunals in the Kingdom.