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Mr Godfrey Phaure MRICS & MCIArb

Job title: Contracts Executive Consultant
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Thames Valley

Personal bio

I have prepared and submitted numerous statement of cases, rebuttals, counter rebuttal and final arguments for hearings on matters that have been entered into dispute in mediation and arbitration on claims for additional time and costs in the role of claimant and respondent for renowned contract consultants assigned to the Owner and also assignment to the Contractors, Subcontractor and Supplier on numerous projects in the UK and overseas in numerous countries on medium and mega projects involving building, civil engineering, mechanical and electrical works including preparing claims, contractual letters, giving contractual advice, etc. on highly contentious contractual and legal matters that have been considered and entered into dispute by the parties with a view to ultimately obtaining settlement by agreement under the contract.