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Miss Siobhan Fahey BA BAI (Hons) LLB(Hons) CEng Dipl. Arb FCIArb MIEI FConsEI

Job title: Chartered Engineer & Chartered Arbitrator
Country: Ireland

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Ireland
Disciplines: Mediation, Arbitration, Adjudication

Personal bio

Siobhan Fahey is a dually qualified professional: a chartered civil/structural engineer and a lawyer who specialises in construction law. An independent practitioner since 2004, Siobhan spends her working life as an Arbitrator, Dispute Board member, Adjudicator, Conciliator, and Mediator of construction and commercial disputes. Her particular expertise is in the resolution of construction disputes, as well as drafting construction and engineering contracts so as to minimise potential disputes. She has worked in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, for consulting engineering firms, government agencies, contractors, developers, and legal and engineering consultancy firms. Siobhan is a Chartered Arbitrator, an accredited mediator and an accredited adjudicator. She is also a member of: - the FIDIC President’s List of Approved Dispute Adjudicators - the panels of Arbitrators, Adjudicators, Conciliators and Mediators held by CIArb Irish Branch - the panels of Arbitrators, Adjudicator, Conciliators and Mediators held by Engineers Ireland - the Irish Ministerial Panel of Adjudicators - the panel of Arbitrators held by the Law Society of Ireland. Siobhan is a Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, and is past-Chair of the Dispute Resolution Board of Engineers Ireland. She is also a former Member of the FIDIC Contracts Committee and the CC’s ‘Principal Drafter’ for the FIDIC 2017 contracts. She was a member of ICC’s ‘expert panel’ for revision of the ICC Dispute Board Rules in 2015. She is also a very frequent speaker at FIDIC contract users’ conferences, at FIDIC/ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) conferences, and at training workshops and seminars run by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Engineers Ireland.