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Mr William Hill Florida Bar Board Certified in International Arbitration; AAA & ICDR Arbitrator

Job title: shareholder
Country: United States

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: New York
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

A seasoned business advocate, litigator and trial lawyer with more than three decades of experience, William Hill continuously strives to resolve complex disputes in and out of court throughout the country. William focuses on representation that reflects his perseverance and determination to resolve matters quickly, efficiently and thoroughly. William is the first and only lawyer to be Florida Bar Board Certified in both Business Litigation and International Litigation & Arbitration. He represents businesses in a variety of industries such as banking and financial services, behavioral health and health care, technology, real estate, aviation, manufacturing, retail and government. William has also advised large public companies. William represents clients in complex cases, including class actions and international arbitrations. His experience ranges from commercial disputes of all kinds to intellectual property, real estate, securities, product liability and RICO cases. He also advises clients on a national scale in the area of non-compete enforcement and defense. William is committed to practicing with integrity and devising compelling arguments on behalf of clients. His goal is to take complicated issues and distill them into viable, cogent and persuasive positions.