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Mr Michael Graham LLB LLM GradCert (International Arbitration Practice)

Job title: Partner
Country: Australia

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Australia

Personal bio

Michael is the founding Partner of global billing and has practised as a legal costs consultant since 1996, after working in law firms practising in the areas of family law, commercial litigation, estate law, and general practice. His practice covers all aspects of legal costing services, and he has provided expert evidence in the Queensland State and Federal Courts involving security for costs applications and costs disputes on more than 90 separate occasions, as well as being appointed as a Special (Costs) Referee in Federal Court proceedings. Michael's experience includes engagement in International Commercial Arbitrations (legal costs related issues) seated in Singapore. He has a special interest in alternative dispute resolution for legal costs related disputes and works with clients to assist with resolving disputes through processes involving negotiation, mediation and arbitration rather than the Court Assessment/Taxation process. Michael holds a Graduate Certificate (International Arbitration Practice from the College of Law (Brisbane), as well as Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws (including the Law of Costs subject) Degrees from QUT, and is a non-practising Lawyer. He published a series of Articles on legal costs in Proctor (QLS Publication) and regularly presents seminars and workshops for law firms on topics involving legal costs regulations, compliance and best practices.