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Mr Andrew Pullinger LLB, BCom, GDipAppFi, GDipIDR

Job title: Partner, Arbitration and Litigation
Country: Cayman Islands

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Caribbean

Company details

Floor 4, Willow House, Cricket Square

Personal bio

Andrew is a dispute resolution Partner at Campbells in the Cayman Islands with extensive arbitration, litigation and mediation experience. He has a wealth of experience representing parties in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations under a variety of different rules (including ICC, LCIA, AAA, SIAC and UNCITRAL). Prior to joining Campbells in 2014, Andrew practised international arbitration at DLA Piper in both Australia (2006 – 2009) and London (2009 – 2013). Andrew holds a Graduate Diploma in International Arbitration from the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London.