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Mr Nigel Davies

Job title: Director
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Chartered Arbitrator
Primary branch: Thames Valley
Disciplines: Mediation, Arbitration, Adjudication

Personal bio

BSc(Hons) (Q.Surv), PGCert.Psych, GDipLaw, PGDipLP, DipArb, MSc (Built Environment), LLM (Construction Law & Practice), MSc (Mechanical & Electrical), FRICS, FCIOB, FCInstCES, FCIArb, CArb, Panel Registered Adjudicator, Mediator, Mediation Advocate, Chartered Builder, Chartered Construction Manager, Chartered Surveyor, Chartered Civil Engineering Surveyor, Chartered Arbitrator, Author, and Solicitor-Advocate I have worked for building contractors in the construction industry and law firms in the areas of construction and law as both a Chartered Quantity Surveyor and Solicitor Advocate. I have approaching 30 years’ experience in the construction industry