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Mr Edward Lenci

Job title: Partner, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, New York City
Country: United States

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: New York

Personal bio

I'm in my fourth decade of practice, and I concentrate on the litigation and arbitration of international and domestic business disputes, especially those involving insurance, reinsurance, and financial services, and the defense of businesses sued in class action lawsuits. appellate experience, including a number of appellate victories involving arbitration and a class action defense victory in the U.S. Supreme Court involving a class action waiver in the arbitral provisions of a student loan. I drafts arbitral provision tailored to each client’s unique needs and I co-authored the ARIAS-U.S. International Arbitration Form. I'm of chair of the Reinsurance Section of Hinshaw's global Insurance Services Practice Group.