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Mr Jeffrey Blum FICS (1979) FCIArb (1997)

Job title: Shipbroker, Arbitrator, Expert Witness, lecturer
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London
Secondary branches: Thames Valley
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

In shipping since 1972. FICS and ACIArb since 1979. FCIArb since 1997. Member of Baltic Exchange since 1976. Expert Witness since 1983. Chairman of Baltic [Exchange] Expert Witness Association since 2020. Fellow, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers by global examination since 1979. On several international committees since 1983. Chairman London & South East Branch 2005-2007, Education Officer since 2000. Worked for shipowners, charterers, exclusive and competitive and futures brokers. Maritime arbitrator since 1994 (LMAA) and 2019 (SCMA). Founder and Principal Lecturer of Maritime Education & Training Ltd, global lecturer for academic, public and bespoke training since 1990. Visiting Professor at World Maritime and Shanghai Maritime Universities since 2007.