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Mr Simon Turner

Job title: Managing Director
Country: United States

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: New York

Personal bio

Simon Turner has held diverse leadership roles over 35 years in the hospitality sector, gaining experience in numerous facets of the business including senior executive, board oversight and advisory support of public and private enterprises. He has extensive global strategic, operational and transactional experience related to complex property assets, brands, and operating businesses. His experience has also included advisory assignments, expert witness/litigation support, strategic planning, asset management, loan work-out, capital-raising and M&A. He formed Alpha Lodging Partners in 2017 to provide litigation support and other advisory services to hospitality sector companies and investors. He has served on several boards gaining exposure to a wide variety of opportunities and challenges facing hospitality enterprises. His board service has included Four Seasons, Fairmont, ClubCorp, Watermark Lodging Trust, and Steigenberger AG, all of which included committee service on either audit, compensation or governance committees. He is an adjunct lecturer at NYU’s Hospitality program and has also lectured frequently at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration as well as the university’s executive education program and Columbia University’s real estate graduate program.