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Ms Dana MacGrath

Job title: Independent Arbitrator at MacGrath Arbitration
Country: United States

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: New York

Personal bio

Dana MacGrath is an independent arbitrator with two decades of experience in international dispute resolution. Her unique mix of experience includes serving as an arbitrator, arbitration practitioner, and in-house counsel in arbitration finance. Before launching MacGrath Arbitration in August 2021, Dana was in-house at Omni Bridgeway, a partner in the international arbitration group at Sidley Austin LLP, served as an international arbitration practitioner and arbitrator at Allen & Overy LLP and O’Melveny & Myers LLP and started her law career at Sullivan & Cromwell. Dana has arbitration experience in a variety of businesses and industries, among them oil and gas, LNG, energy, construction, finance, telecommunications, intellectual property, construction, sale of goods, and international investments. She has also represented parties in court enforcing arbitration agreements and arbitral awards under the New York Convention. Dana has been recognized as a leader in international arbitration in various directories. She is President of ArbitralWomen and holds various other leadership roles to promote diversity and social justice. For more information about her arbitration experience, presentations, writings and leadership roles, please visit her website: