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Dr Nadia El Baroudi-Kostrikis FCIArb

Job title: Legal and business consultant
Country: Cyprus

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Cyprus

Personal bio

Dr. Nadia El Baroudi-Kostrikis is an Attorney at Law with the Paris Bar Association and a European Attorney at Law with the Cyprus Bar Association. She is currently based in Cyprus and is the founding partner of NBK Law Office now Azur Legal Law Office in Nicosia. She holds a doctorate degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Montpellier I in France and is the Morocco country expert for the International Distribution Institute (IDI). Dr. El Baroudi-Kostrikis is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the co-author of the Country Report on Arbitration for Morocco, published in WAR (World Arbitration Reporter) in 2015. She has also published other Country Reports dealing with commercial agency, distribution and franchising in Morocco as well as an article regarding the application of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to Technology Transfer Agreements.