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Other Bernardo Cartoni

Job title: Partner
Country: Poland

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

Bernardo Cartoni, FCIArb is a triple qualified lawyer (admitted to the Bar of Italy and Poland and enrolled as a Solicitor in England and Wales); currently Co-Head of the Arbitration Practice at Mezzle, a firm based in London and Dubai. Bernardo is listed in the SHIAC Panel of Arbitrators, in the HKIAC List of Arbitrators and he is also a member of several arbitral institutions spanned all over the world (LCIA, SAC, AIA, AtlAS, ASA, Delos, MCN, Lewiatan, etc.). Bernardo has also written some papers on arbitration-related issues (some among the latest ones are about: a) Third Party Funding in Hong Kong and Singapore; b) Witness Preparation; c) Belt and Road Initiative and Dispute Resolution; d) Fast Track Arbitration and COVID-19; e) Arbitrator’s bias between Halliburton and Sun Yang). He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Swiss Chinese Law Review. He focuses in international disputes (arbitration and litigation both) regarding commercial trade, M&A, IP rights, construction, sports and maritime law. He assists in contracts negotiations, too. Bernardo regularly serves as a volunteer arbitrator in the Vis Moot, Vis East Moot and in the FDI Moot and he is enlisted in the AIAC Academy Tutors Panel.