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Ms Chao Zhu FAIA

Job title: Finance Director
Country: China

Membership type: Associate membership
Primary branch: East Asia

Personal bio

Currently I work for one of the world's top 500 companies as the financial director who have a diverse and extensive background in financial management, particularly in the realm of overseas mergers and acquisitions., whose experience spans across various industries, including photovoltaic projects, communication equipment services, fabric and clothing manufacturing, and salmon fishery production and processing. My role as the Financial Director involves overseeing the entire M&A process, from preparation to post-M&A operations and management. Here are some key aspects of the role: Mergers and Acquisitions Expertise: Well-known in all stages of the M&A process, from initial preparation and due diligence to the transaction stage and post-M&A operation and management. Industry Diversity: Experience covers a wide range of industries, indicating adaptability and a broad skill set that can be applied across different sectors. Overseas Financial Management: Managing the finance, business, and operations of overseas subsidiaries requires a deep understanding of international finance, regulatory environments, and cultural considerations. Post-Investment Reviews: Conducting post-investment reviews, including business restructuring and divestiture, demonstrates a focus on optimizing the performance of acquired entities and ensuring alignment with overall corporate strategies. Financial Oversight: As a Financial Director, play a crucial role in financial oversight, budgeting, financial reporting, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulations. Strategic Planning: Involvement in the advancement of mergers and acquisitions suggests a strategic role in shaping the company's growth and global expansion strategies. Risk Management: Given the complexity of CM&A, managing financial risks, currency risks, and regulatory risks is likely a key part of my responsibilities. Operational Efficiency: Overseeing post-M&A operations and management involves optimizing operational efficiency, identifying synergies, and ensuring a smooth integration process. Adaptability: Dealing with diverse industries and projects requires adaptability and the ability to apply financial and management principles across different business contexts. Leadership and Decision-Making: Leadership, strategic decision-making, and collaboration with various stakeholders, both within the company and in external partnerships are involved. Global Perspective: To focus on overseas subsidiaries and international M&A indicates a global perspective, understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by different markets. Continuous Improvement: Involvement in post-investment reviews and business restructuring suggests a commitment to continuous improvement and a proactive approach to enhancing the performance of acquired entities.