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Richard Cook BA in Law & Philosophy

Job title: Managing Director
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: London

Personal bio

Richard Cook is Managing Director of PICC Solutions Limited. He was previously Head of Technical Adjusting at Charles Taylor Insurance Services and Head of Reinsurance at Xchanging Claims Services. He has over 38 years insurance claims experience in the Lloyd’s and London Insurance Company Market; joining Xchanging from a specialist Reinsurance Lloyd’s Managing Agency, where he was the Group Claims Manager. He has served on numerous major London Market claims committees and has appeared as a Fact Witness in coverage litigation before various United States Federal and State Courts. He has acted as an Expert Witness on London Market Claims Practice in the United States Federal Court in New York and in the High Court in London. He is an associate member of the Academy of Experts and is a regular contributor to the Insurance Media as well as a speaker at seminars; conferences and training events.