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Mr Christopher Linnett BSc DipArb FRICS FCIArb

Job title: Quantity Surveyor
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: London
Disciplines: Adjudication, Arbitration

Personal bio

1. Employment History Since May 2003: sole practitioner acting as adjudicator, arbitrator, expert witness and advisor on construction disputes, mainly in the UK. 1994 to 2003: Director of Harold Crowter Associates Ltd, in charge of the London office from 1997 to 2003 and director of the Hong Kong office from 1997 to 2000. Appointed to act as expert witness, advisor, arbitrator and adjudicator on construction disputes in the UK and occasionally overseas. 1987 to 1994: Senior Quantity Surveyor for building and civil engineering contractors in UK. Projects included road and bridge works, sewage plant, housing, industrial units and hotel refurbishment. 1983 to 1987: Project Quantity Surveyor for building and civil engineering contractor in South Africa, on projects including residential and commercial tower blocks, multi-storey car parks, city centre shopping complex and industrial plants. 1977 to 1983: Quantity Surveyor for building contractors and developers 2. Relevant Qualifications Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (1996, Associate in 1992) Diploma in Arbitration (1996) Fellow of RICS (the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) (1996, Associate in 1987) Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying (1982) 3. Adjudicator Over three hundred and forty appointments to act as adjudicator since 1998. Registered with the Adjudicator Nominating Bodies of the RICS and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and named in a number of contracts. Acted as adjudicator in the reported cases of: • VHE Construction PLC v RBSTB Trust Co Ltd (2000) Elanay Contracts Ltd v The Vestry [2000] • Austin Hall Building Ltd v Buckland Securities Ltd [2001] • Richard Rogers Partnership v National Assembly for Wales [2002] • Try Construction Ltd v Eton Town House Group Ltd [2003] • ART Consultancy Ltd v Navera Trading Ltd [2007] • Linnett v Halliwells [2009] • Matthew Harding (t/a M J Harding Contractors) v G Paice & K Springall [2014] TCC and [2015] Court of Appeal – see references to ‘the third adjudication’ • G Paice & K Springall v Matthew Harding (t/a M J Harding Contractors) [2016] • Christopher Linnett Ltd v Matthew Harding (t/a M J Harding Contractors) [2017] 4. Arbitrator One hundred and seventy appointments to act as arbitrator on construction disputes (33) and package holiday disputes (138) since 1997. Registered on the Construction and Business Arbitration Panels of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the NHBC and Coal Subsidence Panels of IDRS and the Construction & Engineering Panel of RICS. Experience of documents-only cases and procedures involving preliminary meetings, interlocutory applications, full hearings, at which both sides have been represented by barristers, writing awards and deciding on allocation and assessment of the costs of the arbitration. 5. Expert Witness Over one hundred and twenty five appointments to act as party or jointly appointed expert witness since 1995. Experienced in writing expert reports, attending experts’ meetings, producing joint reports and giving evidence under cross examination, in the County Court, High Court and in arbitration proceedings. Acted as expert in the reported cases of McGlinn v Waltham Contractors Ltd & Others [2007], Goldswain and Hale v Beltec Ltd [2015] and ICI Ltd v Merit Merrell Technology Ltd [2018]. 6. Advisor Over seventy five appointments to advise employers, contractors, sub-contractors and architects involved in negotiations relating to construction disputes since 1994. Most appointments focus on giving advice on quantum or delay issues or the various formal dispute resolution procedures available 7. Lecturing Visiting tutor and examiner on the Post Graduate Diploma in Arbitration at the College of Estate Management, Reading, from 2001 to 2016. Lecturer and examiner on the RICS Diploma in Adjudication since 2009 and CIArb courses on adjudication and arbitration since 2013. Carried out many other lectures on delay analysis, loss a