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Mrs Roseline Odede MCIArb, LLM, LLB., EIA.

Job title: Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator
Country: Kenya

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Kenya

Personal bio

I am an advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over 25 years experience. My areas of speciality include gender, governance, environmental justice, family law, peace building and conflict resolution. I have served as Deputy Chairperson of the Judges & Magistrates Vetting Board in Kenya; on the Council of the Law Society of Kenya, Commonwealth Lawyers Association, East Africa Law Society and FIDA Kenya. I have vast experience in litigation, arbitration and mediation in my areas of expertise, and recently drafted the code for peace building and conflict resolution mediators in Kenya. I currently run an establishment known as Mediators Hub, that focuses on family and community mediation, as well as mentoring young lawyers interested in mediation practice.