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Mr Graham Jackson MCIArb

Job title: Managing Director
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: South East

Personal bio

Over 40 years employment in insurance and reinsurance both in London (Lloyd’s and companies) and Bermuda (captive and unrelated), covering property, casualty, marine and other specialty lines - and over 30 years in senior positions in underwriting, claims and management, both live and legacy. I am a Vorstand member of IntAP e.V, an international association charged with helping reinsurers understand the coverage difficulties associated with asbestos, pollution and other latent claims and through Newhart Associates Limited I have provided dispute consultation and resolution. I am an ARIAS(UK) Panel Member, having sat on arbitration tribunals since 1995, with over 50 appointments, both party appointed and as umpire/chairman and/or third arbitrator, in European and North and South American jurisdictions. I have been appointed as an expert on legacy underwriting, claims and general (re)insurance management on many occasions and also as Scheme Adjudicator in two Schemes of Arrangement.