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Mr Albert Mukasa

Job title: Managing Partner
Country: Uganda

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Kenya
Secondary branches: Kenya
Disciplines: Adjudication, Arbitration

Company details

BKA Advocates
PO Box 27673

Personal bio

Albert Mukasa is an Advocate of the Courts of Judicature in Uganda. He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree with Honours from Makerere University and a Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in International Construction Contracts from the Universite Paris II Patheon-Assas. He is an ICC YAF Africa Representative, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Managing Partner at M&K Advocates. He is also a Director at the African Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (ACEDR), a non-profit organization that promotes the effective and efficient use of Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms. He is an empanelled Arbitrator with the International Centre for Arbitration and Mediation Kampala (ICAMEK) and the Centre for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (CADER).