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Mr Keith Miller BSc(Hons) Architectectural Engineering BA(Hons) Architecture DipArch DipArb RIBA MRIAI IMAPS FCIArb

Job title: Architect
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: North West
Disciplines: Adjudication

Personal bio

LITIGATION AND EXPERT WITNESS WORK. Construction Defects - Investigations and reports into defective work with respect to new and refurbished buildings, including fire issues and cladding. Personal Injury - Investigations and reports into building site defects with respect to personal injury. Accommodation Reports for people with disabilities. Contract Matters - Investigations and reports into contract and sub-contract disputes. Professional Negligence - Investigations into professional negligence of Architects, others acting as if Architects and Experts. Slips and Trips - Investigation of accidents on paths, floors, and staircases. Falls from height. Light Infringement - Right of Light calculations and reports. Daylighting and sunlighting studies. Expert Determination - Expert determination of disputes.