Personal bio
Ms. Leah Kanda is a FIDIC Certified Contracts Manager (FCMM) and licensed Quantity Surveyor experienced in construction contract and commercial advisory for building and infrastructure development projects, both in the private and public sectors. Ms. Kanda’s specialization is in contract management, claims, dispute avoidance and resolution. She is well versed with the dynamics of the FIDIC Rainbow Suite of contacts having worked in various capacities on the Employer/Developer's , Engineer’s and the Contractor’s side. In her current role at RLB Hooloomann, Ms. Kanda is responsible for providing contract and commercial advisory on international projects being executed in the oceans region i.e. Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives; as well as parts of mainland Africa. She advises on suitable forms of contracts for use in procurement and tendering; undertakes contract administration and claims management in conjunction with the relevant project management teams; negotiation of terms of reference, drafting of particular conditions as well as enforcement and oversight of construction contracts. Prior to joining RLB Hooloomann, Ms. Kanda served as a Contract and Claims Manager offering contract administration and management services to Contractors working on major public infrastructure Projects. Her primary focus was on avoiding and/or minimizing risks and preserving Contractor’s entitlements through compliance with the Condition of Contract. Outside of her work, Ms. Kanda has contributed to the development of the construction industry having served as a Council Member of the Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Kenya (IQSK) (2020-2022). During her tenure, she chaired the Contracts Documentation Committee that drafted the IQSK Agreement and Conditions of Contract (Second Edition); Labour-Only Contract and Conditions of Subcontract; which are presently in use in Kenya and the East African region.