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Ms Jaime Cheng California State Bar

Job title: Senior Of Counsel
Country: Taiwan

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: East Asia
Secondary branches: North America

Personal bio

Jaime Cheng has over 18 years of advising multinational companies on their inbound investments into Taiwan and Taiwan companies on outbound investments and commercial transactions. Ms. Cheng further regularly advises multinational corporations on their data protection issues. In addition, she is a regular contributor to various publications on Taiwan's data protection laws, including the Taiwan Chapter of the Global Privacy and Security Law Handbook, Taiwan Chapter of Data Protection in the Financial Sector, OneTrust DataGuidance. Ms. Cheng is experienced in successfully representing clients in ICC arbitrations. She is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). Ms. Cheng is an advisor of the Taiwan FinTech Association. She was a Co-Chair of the Transparency Platform of the Global ICO Transparency Alliance from 2018 - 2020 and the Vice-Chair of the Intellectual Property, Inter-Pacific Bar Association from 2012 – 2016.