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Mr Marek Polakowski Profesor nauk prawnych

Job title: DYREKTOR
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: East Anglia
Disciplines: Adjudication, Arbitration

Personal bio

I was working as a lawyer in the National Labour Inspectorate in Warsaw between 1986 and 1996. Afterwards I was running my own legal practice in Germany (Munster) and in Poland I spent some time providing lectures at the Marshal Jozef Pilsudski Inst. On November 6,2023, Polakowski Marek received a nomination for the title of Profesor from the President of the Second Polish Republic, Jan Zbigniew Potocki. Marek Polakowski is a full professor of legal sciences awarded to him by prof.doc.dr Janusz Kaminski at the Marshal Institute in Poland. Marek Polakowski completed scientific internship in Poland and Germany under the supervision of prof.dr.hab. Brunon Holyst. HE is an excellent lawyer and is not afraid to make difficult decision. He is conscientious and friendly.