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Dr Turki Altayyar PhD

Job title: Founding Partner Al Tayyar Law Firm (TL) ALTAYYAR & LAW STUDIES
Country: Saudi Arabia

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Saudi Arabia
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation

Personal bio

She studied Sharia and Law in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees at Al-Imam University in Riyadh, then as a judge in the Ministry of Justice for 7 years, then as a lawyer and consultant for 12 years, then as a university professor (associate professor) for 11 years in judicial and commercial law subjects, then as an arbitrator at the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration for 4 years, member and head of arbitral tribunals In 7 cases, I was appointed as an arbitrator from the Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration and from the Court of Appeal in 7 cases, in the industrial contracting sector, commercial building contracting, infrastructure contracting, companies and joint ventures, commodities and investment, in Aramco and the National Water Company projects. And I worked as a mediator for 4 years in the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration in cases with the management and rules of the center, some of them are initially registered in the center, some are registered in the commercial courts and then referred to the center, and some are registered in the reconciliation center of the Ministry of Justice and then referred to the center, with more than 15 mediation cases