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Dr Christian Herrera Petrus Ph.D., LL.M., LL.M., Senior lecturer of international litigation

Job title: Partner at Herrera Advocats
Country: Spain

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

A.- Legal Education: European Ph. D. at Università di Bologna (Italy, 2004, magna cum laude). Thesis: "Obtaining evidence abroad"; LL.M. Columbia University (NY, 2000, Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, La Caixa fellow). Specialization in international litigation and arbitration; LL.M. University College of London (London, 1998, Patronat Català Pro Europa fellow); Licenciado en Derecho/Graduate in Law (from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona,1996, ranked top 3 %). B.- Professional experience: Attorney at law. Partner at Herrera Advocats since 2005. Commercial litigation and arbitration. Insolvency law. Unfair trade practices. Commercial contracts. Bankrupcty trustee/receiver appointed by Spanish commercial courts in more than 70 cases. Arbitrator for Spanish arbitral institutions. Senior Lecturer of Procedural Law (grade officially granted by the Spanish Ministry of Universities in 2016); Director of the Master in Advocacy at Universidad Abat Oliba (since 2011); Coordinator and chief lecturer of the subject International Litigation and Arbitration at the Máster de Abogacía of Universidad Pompeu Fabra (since 2011); Coordinator and lecturer of Commercial law at Ph.D. programme from Universidad Abat Oliba CEU (since 2011); President (Chair) of the Jury of the judicial competition “Themis” celebrated in Thessaloniki (Greece): semifinals organized by the European Judicial Training Network (June 2018); Senior lecturer in various European cities in Seminars organized by the European Judicial Training Network under the auspicies of the European Commission (since 2015); Senior lecturer at the Master in Civil Litigation organized by the Ilustre Colegio de Abogacía de Barcelona (since 2010);Senior lecturer of the On-Line Course Specialising on Arbitration, organized by the Ilustres Colegios de Abogacía de Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga and Vizcaya (since 2019). C.- Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English, Italian D.- Publications: 3 monographs and 35 legal articles