Personal bio

Eugene Thong is effectively trilingual in English, Chinese and French, and conversant in Russian and Japanese. He read law in Paris, qualified as a solicitor in England, and is a certified Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He has experience as arbitrator and also as tribunal secretary assisting several of Asia’s most prominent arbitrators, including on Chinese language cases. He used to work as Deputy Counsel at the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration in both Hong Kong and Singapore, where he managed hundreds of cases including non-English ones, and to date remains the only Deputy Counsel to have administered a significant docket of cases from each of the following regions: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania and the Middle East. In the span of his career, Eugene has handled both commercial and investment arbitration cases, with proceedings being ad hoc or administered by institutions such as the ICC, SIAC, HKIAC, LCIA, CIETAC, SCC, Russian Arbitration Center, PCA and ICSID.