Personal bio
Engaged for over 35 years in the practice of construction law representing owners, contractors, developers, sureties, subcontractors, and design professionals. Now devotes practice mainly to the arbitration of complex construction disputes. Has been on the AAA panel since 1989 and has gone to final hearing as an arbitrator in over 200 construction cases. Previously served as a project neutral/early neutral evaluator, DRB and mediator on large scale construction projects throughout the U.S. Mr. Greenleaf prides himself on the management and organization of complex arbitration proceedings and typically serves as Chair. He is honored to be a member of the AAA's Mega-Project Construction Panel comprised of the top construction arbitrators in the U.S. as rated by counsel on construction mega projects based on their credentials and experience. Has been involved in construction projects in more than 40 states and internationally. Has handled claim amounts in excess of $750 million and projects with values exceeding $6 billion. He is celebrating his 34th year on the AAA’s Construction Panel and has significant experience in all aspects of construction claims.