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Mr Cagri Kurbal FCIArb Neutral for Commodity Mercantile & Maritime & Construction Disputes

Job title: Managing Partner
Country: Turkey

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Europe

Personal bio

Cagri Kurbal is a non-lawyer neutral person with his 18 years of international commercial experience specifically on industrial commodities, maritime shipments and construction materials; he managed not only sales & marketing, but also behind the scenes operations like maritime chartering, documentary credits (L/C), customs operations, overseas contracting &c. He gained wide experience and command on private commercial codifications; INCOTERMS, UCP 600 and Chartering Terms. He was assigned as the General Director and the Chairman of the Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals Council of the Istanbul Merchants Club Association in 2013. He has been directing an international construction materials company since 2013. He is currently a Member of: * ICC Turkey National Committee (member & panelist) * Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb) * German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA) * Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF) * Russian Arbitration Center and acts as a neutral person with his expertise on; * Commodity mercantile disputes * Maritime shipment charter party contractual disputes * Documentary credit (ICC DOCDEX) issues * Construction procurement and contractual disputes (Dispute Boards)