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Mr Harry Trueheart Lawyer admitted to practice in New York; BA, JD Harvard

Job title: Arbitrator and Mediator
Country: United States

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: New York
Disciplines: Arbitration, Mediation

Personal bio

Arbitrator Designations and Related Professional Activities. Fellow, College of Commercial Arbitrators. Fellow, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, arbitrator and mediator for the American Arbitration Association, Member of the Advisory Council of CPR – International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution and member of the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals. Past Chair of the Federal and Commercial Litigation Section of the New York State Bar Association. Past Member of the Federal Bar Council Board of Directors. Arbitration Experience Served on arbitration panels under a variety of rules including AAA, CPR, ICDR, ICC, DIS (German arbitration institute) and court annexed programs. Recent cases in which he has served as an arbitrator include claims related to the mortgage backed securities market, international contract disputes between internet service providers, disputes between private equity investors and company founders and management and disputes under international distribution agreements. Construction Arbitration Experience Extensive experience involving complex projects. These include projects in Mexico, Venezuela, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates and other countries in that area, India, and Turkey. The arbitrations were conducted under ICC, ICSID, AAA and other rules and involved a variety of foreign laws. The projects involved a variety of technologies and types of construction and usually involved claims for delays, changes, cost over-runs and related construction failures, design issues or owner related issues.