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Miss Elizabeth Claire Lugg

Job title: Barrister
Country: United Kingdom

Membership type: Member membership
Primary branch: West Midlands

Personal bio

I am a family barrister with 26 years experience. Over that time I have become increasingly convinced that private family law disputes are not well served by a court system, unable to meet the needs of the families used by it. My growing interest in alternative dispute resolution led me to become qualified as an arbitrator in order to expand the ADR network into the North-East where it is relatively unused. My general approach to my work at the bar has been to find where possible, effective solutions to the practical challenges faced by separating families. This considerable experience as well as my role as a step-parent has provided me with years of hands on practical insight into what can (and what does not) provide long-lasting successful arrangements. I am a member of the FLBA (NE) committee and I sit on the executive board of my chambers. I am a member of the Local Family Justice Board (Care) committee.