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Mr Denis Almakaev Solicitor (England & Wales); Attorney-at-law (New York); Advocate (Russia)

Job title: Partner, Head of International Disputes Practice, LEVEL Legal Services
Country: Russia

Membership type: Fellow membership
Primary branch: Europe
Disciplines: Arbitration

Personal bio

I am a triple-qualified attorney at law (admitted in England & Wales, New York and Russia) specializing in complex cross-border disputes, both before state courts and in international arbitration. My practice focuses on asset-tracing and antifraud litigation involving enforcement against assets located abroad. I have represented clients in such jurisdictions as England &Wales, France, the U.S., Switzerland, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Monaco, Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Gibraltar and others. My recent experience includes acting in cross-border insolvencies and satellite proceedings abroad. In addition to cross-border litigation, I advise the firm's clients on all aspects of conduct of international arbitration, both commercial and investor-state.