
To enlarge text and images on the site


On a PC:

  • Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '+' to enlarge.
  • Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '-' to reduce.
  • Hold down the 'Ctrl' key and press '0' to increase line spacing.

On an Apple Macintosh:

  • Hold down the 'Command' key and press '+' to enlarge.
  • Hold down the 'Command' key and press '-' to reduce.

Browser accessibility options


Each browser has different methods for font size, formatting, and screen colour options:

The BBC also has information on how to customise your computer, and your browser, to make them more accessible in their 'My web my way' section.

Search Tips


A search box, signfied by a magnifying glass, appears at the top of each ciarb webpage.

To get the best results when searching, use keywords. The search won't work well using natural language and keywords will find better results. Use quotation marks if you wish to search for an exact phrase.