Property Dispute Scheme

We have over 15 years’ experience in helping to resolver property related disputes. The Ciarb Property Dispute Scheme applies to both residential and commercial disputes, offering resolution via arbitration, expert determination, and mediation. 

Under this affordable Scheme, parties can request the appointment of a dispute resolver for an appointment fee of just £360 (including VAT). 

The dispute resolver is appointed from a specialist panel of surveying specialists and real estate practitioners, all of whom are regulated to ensure they have attained the appropriate qualifications and experience. 

We offer a bespoke service and can assist with areas including: 

Landlord and tenant

  • Claims for breach of covenant under leases, including damages and injunctions
  • Applications for permission for alterations and change of use
  • Applications for consent to assignment and underletting of the demised premises
  • Rent reviews
  • Lease renewals
  • Disputes over commercial and residential service charges
  • Disputes of standards and costs of services
  • Disputes about repairing covenants and standards of repair

Easements and Rights of Light

  • Extent of rights of way
  • Obstruction of rights of way
  • Repair of rights of way
  • Damages for loss of light
  • Interference with light
  • General issues regarding extent and use of easement, including drainage and water rights

Property ownership and Interfaces

  • Boundary dispute
  • Nuisance by noise, encroachment, smell etc
  • Breach of restrictive covenant
  • Enforcement of restrictive covenant
  • Discharge and variation of restrictive covenant

Professional Disputes

Claims by solicitors, architects, and other professionals for outstanding fees in property related matters.


Claims for damage caused by utilities to adjacent property under statutory powers e.g. escapes from water mains.

How to apply

A dispute may be referred to the Property Disputes Scheme if both parties agree this course of action, or if there is a dispute resolution clause in a contract between the parties that names Ciarb, or the President of Ciarb, as the appointing bodies in any dispute under the contract. 

If the application is from one party only, a copy of the contract or written agreement between the parties must be forwarded to Ciarb before we can proceed. 

Please complete the application form and return to DAS with the referral fee of £360 (including VAT).  

For further enquiries, please contact:

Ciarb Dispute Appointment Service

T: 0207 421 7455