IMPRESS Arbitration Scheme

Launched by IMPRESS and Ciarb, this arbitration service helps to resolve media law disputes involving journalists.

The Leveson Report (November 2012) recommended an arbitration service offering affordable access to justice. This Scheme provides a much-needed alternative to adversarial media law litigation and removes the problem of astronomical legal costs set by litigants blocking investigative journalism.

A claimant should contact IMPRESS in the first instance to lodge their complaint. If it is determined that the dispute is suitable for arbitration under the Scheme, the claimant and the publisher must apply jointly to Ciarb, through IMPRESS, for the appointment of an arbitrator.

Both parties must complete the application form, in which they confirm their agreement to arbitrate under the Scheme and in accordance with the Scheme’s Rules and the Arbitration Act 1996 (or the Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010 if applicable).

Read the Scheme Rules.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Ciarb Dispute Appointment Service

T: 0207 421 7455