IMPRESS Arbitration Scheme

For those who risk financial or reputational damage from a media-related disagreement, Impress provides an arbitration scheme supported by Ciarb that delivers quick, affordable, discreet results, at a fraction of the cost of going to court. Specialising in all areas of media law, media-related terms of service, and disputes that occur in the media spotlight, the Impress process is current, progressive, and designed to reflect the fast-paced media industry it supports.

Single Dispute Resolution

Designed for cases in which an individual or organisation requires support to resolve a single dispute. An independent and impartial arbitrator appointed by Ciarb considers the evidence presented by the parties and makes a decision that is legally binding on one or both parties. The service can be used to resolve any type of disagreement, legal or otherwise. It is well-suited to any civil claim that involves media-related commercial or contractual disputes and can be tailored to fit the needs of both parties. This service aims to support the public and is available to any aggrieved party.

Dispute Resolution Packages

Impress offers monthly and annual support packages for individuals and organisations looking to de-risk their operations and access full-time support for dispute management. Using a pre-prepared process ensures that every dispute is resolved rapidly, while maintaining relationships with employees, customers, suppliers and partners, and providing predictable costs. This service is open to all individuals and organisations who wish to improve their dispute resolution processes.

Why Impress?

Since inception in 2016, Impress has operated the UK’s only recognised low-cost arbitration service for media organisations and the public. To date, Impress, in partnership with Ciarb, has delivered the first and only recognized arbitration awards for UK news publishers. As a press regulator, Impress handles hundreds of media-related queries, complaints and investigations every year. Some are resolved via an expert regulation team, others through mediation and private out-of-court settlement procedures like arbitration. Every arbitrator is a member of Ciarb and is appointed by the Ciarb Dispute Appointment Service (DAS) to ensure they are impartial, independent, and conflict-free.

The scheme was recognised in 2016 and confirmed once again in 2019 and 2022 by the Royal Charter Board, the Press Recognition Panel.

Impress is committed to upholding ethical practices in the media and are well-versed in handling vexatious and intimidatory claims (including SLAPPs). Impress is a Community Interest Company (CIC) and is fully independent – from funders, media organisations, and government bodies alike. As a non-profit, with a mission to create a more trustworthy media, and support everyone to find redress, regardless of resources, Impress also provides discounted pricing to other non-profits and those working towards the betterment of society.

How to Apply

Please contact Impress in the first instance. If it is determined that the dispute is suitable for arbitration then the parties must apply jointly, through Impress, for the appointment of an arbitrator via Ciarb.


For more information visit the Impress website to get practical guidance to resolve your dispute or request a free case assessment session.

Alternatively, contact Impress via:

Telephone: 020 3325 4288