Presidential Panels

Presidential Panels comprise senior and experienced practitioners who are trained arbitrators, commercial and civil mediators, and adjudicators.

When a request is received by Ciarb, or a party has a dispute resolution contract clause that nominates the President of Ciarb to appoint an arbitrator, mediator, or adjudicator, the President makes a selection from the most qualified and suitable members of the Presidential Panels for the job. 
All panel members have demonstrated to Ciarb that they have a suitable level of knowledge, skill, and experience in their discipline; together with a commitment to ongoing personal professional development and high ethical and professional standards of conduct. 

Presidential Panel of Arbitrators 

This panel comprises Chartered Arbitrators who have completed modules on the law of contract, tort, civil evidence and the law and practice of arbitration. They hold a current Panel Appointments Certificate. 

Presidential Panel of Commercial and Civil Mediators 

This panel comprises Ciarb Fellows who have completed commercial mediation training and who hold a current Panel Appointments Certificate. 

Presidential Panel of Construction Adjudicators 

This panel is composed of Ciarb Fellows with advanced knowledge and understanding of construction adjudication, and who hold a current Panel Appointments Certificate. 


Request an appointment


Apply for Panel Membership 

Ciarb’s panels are open for application. 

We welcome applications from eligible practitioners of all backgrounds, all ethnicities and, in particular, from women. 

Our guidance document explains what you need to know to be considered for appointment as an arbitrator, adjudicator, or mediator by Ciarb. 

The relevant application forms are available to download below. 

Panel application forms and information

Presidential Panel of Arbitrators

All arbitrators must be Chartered. Learn more about the requirements and applications windows for Chartered Arbitrator status.


Presidential Panel of Commercial and Civil Mediators

Read further information. 

Download the application form. 


Presidential Panel of Construction Adjudicators

Read further information. 

Download the application form. 

If you have any queries regarding being listed on the panel, please contact our Member Services team via email at

For further enquiries, please contact:

Ciarb DAS
Telephone: 0207 421 7455