Personal bio
I am a Partner in the Energy Projects and Construction team at international law firm CMS having specialised since 1994 in construction and infrastructure dispute resolution. I have dual accreditation by the Law Society of Scotland as a specialist in Construction Law and in Arbitration Law. I am regularly involved in providing strategic advice on the management and resolution of complex construction and infrastructure disputes taking into account both my clients’ commercial aims and objectives and the legal framework. I was Co Chair of the International Construction Projects Committee of IBA for 2020 - 22. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an Honorary Fellow of the RIAS, a CEDR Accredited Mediator, CEDR ADR Official, a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Scottish Branch) Arbitrator Panel, a member of the RICS Adjudicator Panel, a CEDR Commercial Arbitrator and Law Society of Scotland Solicitor Arbitrator. I have undertaken a number of appointments as arbitrator, adjudicator and in expert determination.