The arbitration landscape in Australia is evolving rapidly, with significant advancements in jurisprudence and the country's recognition as a key hub for international arbitration. Recent rulings by the High Court underline the critical role of arbitration in Australia, as showcased in the Tesseract and CBI Constructors cases.


Join Ciarb Australia Branch for an insightful dialogue featuring The Hon James Allsop AC and Prof Doug Jones AO and moderated by Damian Sturzaker MCIArb. The expert speakers will delve into the current state of arbitration, both on a national and global scale. The conversation will highlight noteworthy developments and potential challenges on the horizon, offering valuable insights into the future of arbitration in Australia.


This event is in-person only at the offices of Herbert Smiths Freehill in Sydney. 


17.15 - Registration
17.30 - In Conversation
18.30 - Networking Drinks and Canapes


Attendance is FREE to Ciarb members: register now! 


For all questions and enquiries, contact

Event Speakers

The Hon James Allsop AC

The Hon James Allsop AC, during his judicial career as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, and Chief Justice of the Federal Court, has played a leading role in the development of arbitral jurisprudence in Australia.

Prof Doug Jones AO

Prof Doug Jones AO, after a career leading one of the most significant infrastructure practices in Australia and the region, has played a significant role in the development of international arbitration in Australia, including during his Presidency of ACICA, and as Global President of the Ciarb, and Chair of the Global Ciarb Centenary.


Sydney, Australia