Journal Submissions

The Editor welcomes the submission of articles for consideration for publication in the Journal. All prospective contributions should be in accordance with the guidelines set out below.

  • Submissions should be sent as a separate file in Word or compatible format (i.e. not pdf), with full references set out in footnotes (not endnotes). Please submit by email, with the heading: “For Publication: [Initials of Author, Date]” (e.g. “For Publication: ABC, 10 Nov 2015]”) to the following address:
  • The journal publishes four issues every year. Please note that we only publish a specific number of articles and case reviews in each issue, and therefore cannot guarantee publication for a specific one. While we do try to publish articles submitted within the deadline, we may have to defer publication until later. The cut-off dates for submissions are as follows:

Issue 1: 24 September
Issue 2: 1   January
Issue 3: 6   April
Issue 4: 5   July

  • Journal is a peer reviewed journal. Editorial decisions are exclusively based on the merits of the submitted article.  All decisions remain within the full discretion of the Editor and the Editorial Board. Manuscripts may be returned to  authors with suggestions related to substance and/or style or be rejected.
  • Submissions should relate to an area covered by the Journal. The Journal covers all areas of international dispute settlement, including commercial and investment arbitration and all other modes of Alternative Dispute Resolution, such as negotiation, adjudication, expert determination and mediation. The Journal covers topics relating to both private and public, including public international, law, and welcomes articles that take a variety of approaches to law, including doctrinal, historical, comparative, sociolegal, philosophical, political analysis and economic analysis of the law.  
  • In all submissions an abstract of about 150 words should be included.
  • Submissions should ordinarily be in one of the following categories:
    1. Articles: these should generally be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (excluding footnotes). In any event, articles should not be longer than 10,000 words (including footnotes). Shorter and longer articles can be admissible within reason
    2. Reviews: these should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words (excluding footnotes) and identify the case, legislation, rules of procedure etc. which are being reviewed.
    3. Book Reviews: where a book review is proposed please contact us first and your enquiry will be forwarded to the Book Reviews Editor.
  • Pieces submitted should not have been published elsewhere and any submission can only be accepted on the basis that the authors warrant that the article has not been published elsewhere and will not be published elsewhere. There are some exceptions to this principle and where the authors wish to be taken into account they should make this clear.
  • Please provide in your covering email your full contact details and also a brief “Contributor” page entry, for example: JANE SMITH: Director and Chartered Arbitrator, ABC Law, Miami Florida.
  • Given the standing of the Journal and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, it is essential that the Journal is presented in a professional way in line with highest international standards. This means that only articles that comply with this guidance can be published.
  • Authors are encouraged to follow the style of OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities).
  • It is important for the author to clarify the levels of heading required, i.e. title, main section headings, secondary headings etc.
  • Quotations should be clearly identified in quotation marks and any emphasis added by the author should be noted. All text should be in UK English, unless directly quoted. It is for the author to gain any copyright clearance that may be required and all articles are accepted on the basis that the author warrants to the CIArb that the material is free of copyright restriction or that relevant clearance has been obtained.
  • Numbers and Words. Spell out one to nine. 10 onwards in numerals. Per cent is always written in full, after a figure, rather than words (6 per cent, 23 per cent). Use a comma for four or more figures (e.g. 1,234), not a space. Ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd not 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
  • Date. The preferred format is Date, Month (in full) Year (e.g. 1 January 2017). Also, 1984–88 or 1984–1988 not 1984–8. The 1970s (not 1970's).
  • Spelling. Judgment, acknowledgment, lodgment and abridgment (no "e" between the g and the m). Anglicise American spelling unless it is quoted directly from source (i.e. -ise not -ize). Case law (not case-law). Up to date, when adverbial, “the book has been brought up to date to January 1, 1993); but up-to-date when an adjective: “an up-to-date book”.
  • Capitals. Do not capitalise court or judge, except in names, nor arbitrator, architect, engineer, claim, defence, claimant, respondent, tribunal or award.
  • Gender. Use non-gender specific terms unless the context otherwise requires. Devices such as “he/she” are rarely necessary. Use the plural when speaking of a class if necessary: “arbitrators are less likely to be tempted by bribes and they…”, rather than “the arbitrator is less likely… and he”.
  • Active and Passive. Avoid the passive. Write, “the arbitrator must have meant” rather than “it must have been meant by the arbitrator”.
  • Opinion. Authors may (and are expected to express opinions).  However, it is essential that they do not stray into personal criticism.
  • Judges. A High Court judge is Smith J.; in the Court of Appeal Smith L.J.; in the House of Lords Lord Smith. County Court and other judges are Judge Smith. No other honorifics are attached. Likewise in overseas jurisdictions – e.g. in Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal, Bokhary P.J.
  • Details of authors of articles and lectures and addresses appear at the start of each issue. Please send information about yourself in the form in which it will appear in the list of Contributors, e.g:
    1. JULIA ARCHER: FCIArb; Partner, Smith & Jones, New York.